Don't buy a Valentine's Day card this year

Hey February Shoppers: Instead of spending $4 on a schmaltzy disposable card, grab a copy of my new book 52 Ways to Connect as a Couple. That book -- hot off the presses -- guarantees some direct and instant benefits: More and better kisses. A quicker end to arguments. A better understanding of your spouse's quirks and qualities. Fresh ideas for dates and getaways. A healthy marriage model for your kids. A happier Valentine's Day. There are three ways to get a copy. 1. Order on Amazon. 2. Go to your local bookstore and find it on the shelf. 3. Or -- if you live in the area -- stop by my house. I've got a case of books in my foyer and for ten bucks I'll even sign one of them to your sweetie. Really. 629 N. Tyler Road, Saint Charles, Illinois 60174. Call first if you like: 630-377-7899. (I'm crunching on another book deadline and seem to be tied to my desk chair 24/7.) There ya go. The annual Valentine's Day gift crisis solved! Talk to you soon. /jay P.S. Anyone who goes online and gives this book a nice Amazon review gets a free copy of any other book of mine. Just email me when your review is posted.