Jay Payleitner
Jay's Calendar
"The Forum"
PostTime Sports
Green Oaks, IL
“What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?"
January 8, 2018
Responsible Fathering Round Table
Washington, D.C.
US Dept of Health and Human Services
Invited Participant
January 19, 2018
Iron Sharpens Iron
Orland Park, IL
Feb 17, 2018
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Iron Sharpens Iron
Beloit, IL
March 3, 2018
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Women's Event
"What Women Need to Know About Men"
Morrison, IL
Ebeneezer Reformed Church
March 10, 2018
Men's Retreat
Milwaukee, WI
April 7, 2018
“What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?”
Iron Sharpens Iron
Cedar Rapids, IA
April 14, 2018
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Men's Discipleship Bootcamp
Smithtown, NY (Long Island)
“The Dad Manifesto: 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad”
April 21, 2018
Iron Sharpens Iron
Reseda, CA (Los Angeles)
April 28, 2018
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Unity in the Body Event
West Dundee, IL
June 30, 2018
“Unity in Marriage”
Man Up Men's Retreat
Rolling Hills Community Church
Franklin, TN
August 17 & 18, 2018
“What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?”
Dad Roundtable (4-weeks)
Christ Community Church
Streamwood, IL
October 23, 30, November 6, 1, 2018
Marriage Conference
Harvest Church
New Hampton, IA
November 10 & 11, 2018
Fatherhood CoMission
WinShape Retreat Center
Rome, GA
November 28 - 30, 2018
Building Our Children's Faith
Middle Creek Presbyterian
Winnebago, IL
February 24, 2018
Iron Sharpens Iron
Jacksonville, FL
March 2, 2019
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
National Religious Broadcasters
2019 Convention
Anaheim, CA
March 26-29, 2019
Iron Sharpens Iron
Champaign, IL
April 6, 2019
“What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?”
100 Huntley Street
Television Interviews
"What If God Wrote Your To-Do List?"
"The Jesus Dare"
Toronto, ON
May 3, 2019
Book Release
The Jesus Dare
May 6, 2019
"30 Books & Counting"
Batavia, IL
May 16, 2019
"Be the Dad"
Village Bible Church
Sugar Grove, IL
June 1, 2019
"Men's Kickoff"
NorthBridge Church
Antioch, IL
June 4, 2019
Trail Life USA
Family Convention: Four Talks
Toccoa, GA
July 21 - 27, 2019
Parenting Seminar
Family Community Development Corporation
Rahway, NJ
August 17, 2019
Choice Books Conference
Author Appreciation
Bakersfield and Fresno, CA
Sept 23 - 25, 2019
Christ Community 60+
DeKalb, IL
October 24, 2019
“What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?”
Iron Sharpens Iron
Akron, OH
October 26, 2019
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Iron Sharpens Iron for Women
Moline, IL
November 2, 2019
“Your Husband has Secrets”
State Sponsored Fathering Symposium
Warsaw, Poland
November 2019
Fatherhood CoMission
Mount Berry, GA
December 4-6, 2019
Choice Books Conference
Author Appreciation
Mannheim, PA
January 17, 2020
Iron Sharpens Iron
February 20, 2020
“Be the Dad”
Keynote: Real Man's Bucket List
Iron Sharpens Iron
Omaha, NE
March 7, 2020
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Iron Sharpens Iron
Buffalo, NY
March 21, 2020
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Iron Sharpens Iron
Davenport, IA
March 28, 2020
“Be the Dad”
“How to Be the Husband Your Wife Needs”
Books Between Bites
Batavia, IL
May 21, 2020
“52 Things Kids Need from a Dad”
“This is great stuff…if you can’t benefit from this, you’re not listening.”
Jerry Jenkins, author
“Jay Payleitner was a huge blessing to the married couples of our church during our annual marriage retreat. Jay mixes humor along with solid truth that encourages couples no matter what stage their marriage is at the moment. I highly recommend Jay to speak at your next couples event.”
Dr. Mark Lantz, Senior Pastor, Christian Center Church, South Bend, IN
Director, World Harvest Ministers Network
“…easy-to-swallow and to-the-point snippets…”
Dannah Gresh, author of Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl and The Secret Keeper series
“Practical and incredibly insightful…”
Jim Burns, President
"Jay helped us significantly fund a camping ministry for foster children that is at the heart of who we are as Christians, and who we are as a church. His spirited, humorous, practical, and compassionate talk was engaging for young and old alike!"
Pike Wisner, Senior Pastor, FBC Tyler, TX
"Humor and creativity go hand in hand, and Jay Payleitner not only taught us plenty about them, but also demonstrated in his keynote presentations how to do it right. Having a writer of his stature and success on our faculty was a privilege. His name showed up on a number of evaluation forms as a highlight of the conference."
Dave Lambert, Program Director, Maranatha Christian Writers' Conference
“Jay Payleitner gives us the inside scoop...”
Karol Ladd, author The Power of a Positive Mom
“… wise, delightful, practical and profound.”
Steve Brown, speaker on Key Life and author of A Scandalous Freedom
“I’m delighted to see so many inspiring, practical, unexpected ideas . . . in one place.”
Josh McDowell, international speaker and author of More Than a Carpenter
“With an enjoyable, non-preachy approach, Jay Payleitner gently challenges us to get out of our own way. A great read and a great blessing.”
Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus
“. . . a deep and rich treasure, at once thoughtful and whimsical…”
Brannon Marshall, Director of Church Engagement
Awana International
"Jay speaks to eternal issues with practical wisdom based on God's word. He's full of energy and communicates in a way that connects well with men. His wisdom on being a better dad and husband is something every man would benefit from. Men's lives were changed and challenged at our men's retreat."
Kevin DeVries
Lead Pastor, Monee Free Methodist
Sky Lodge Retreat Center, Montello, WI
"Jay's presentation to our church's men's leaders was excellent
. . . thanks, Jay! Selecting from his book, "52 Things Wives Need from Their Husband" a few principles/suggestions made for a great learning/reminding as well as a spiritually growing/entertaining session for the guys. We all loved it."
Jack Goldthwaite
Men’s and Seniors' Pastor
Christ Community Church
St. Charles, IL
“It was a marvelous event. An absolute fantastic way to get exposed to young family prospects who care about their family. And a way to bring value and extend relationships with existing clients."
Casey Walker
Thrivent Financial
Dewitt, Iowa
“Whenever a ministry is going to bring in a guest speaker, the question is always twofold: "Can this person hold people's attention, and is his content going to truly effect people's lives?" The answer is a resounding YES on both counts when it comes to Jay.”
Steve Musto, Adult Ministries Pastor
Blackhawk Church
Verona, WI
“Put Jay in a room full of men and they will soon have a new appreciation for the joy and blessings of being a dad.”
Carey Casey
The National Center for Fathering
“I have known Jay and his family for over 20 years. The principles and concepts he talks about in his presentations and books are not just good ideas…they are things he has done in his own life. Jay is the real deal, with no pretension, he simply walks his talk. I wish that could be said of all of us.”
Dan Balow, Agent
The Steve Laube Agency
“When Jay came to speak at one of our monthly Home Builders meetings, I thought it was going to be the typical here’s how you do it, let’s get excited speech. Boy was I wrong! Jay got us talking and thinking about how “we” could work, how “we” could think. The “speech” was more like a workshop. He thinks differently than most people, and equips you to do the same.”
Tim Coleman, President
Coleman Home Solutions
“I have known Jay for 10 years. I see in him a man that loves God, loves his wife, and loves his family. He is a great communicator on parenting, but an even better father. Integrity, honesty, passion, faith, dedication and contagious enthusiasm are all words that come to mind when I think of Jay!”
Eric Rojas, Executive Pastor
Christ Community Church
St. Charles, IL
“Primarily, Jay is a very intentional father, seeking the best for his children and trying to be his best for them. Secondly, Jay is one of the most creative people I know. He combines these two bold qualities, and the result is: you have a presenter worth listening to.”
Frank Mercadante, Executive Director
Cultivation Ministries
“An engaging speaker whose wit and intelligence were put to good use explaining the mysterious workings of the male brain...offering encouragement to love and cherish our husbands while pursuing our dreams and becoming the wives, mothers, and women we were created to be.”
Laura Wright, MOPS Mentor Mom
Crystal Lake, IL
"At our church's marriage retreat, we received so much wisdom from Jay's interactive teaching session. Listening to Jay is like reading the book of Proverbs, spiritual principles and nuggets of wisdom told in a practical - everyday - useful way. It blessed our marriage, and every other couple in attendance."
George and Christine
Cornerstone Christian Center
"We enjoyed having Jay lead our group. He presented topics that were relevant to the members our group and they left with actionable items. He challenged us in our norms and asked us to be better fathers/husbands/men. Jay also jumped right into the group for our "non-program" time. He became one of the guys from the very start of the event. His flexibility and easy going nature made it easy for everyone to trust his talks. We would love to see him again!"
Andy Fry
Wildwood Presbyterian
Grays Lake, IL
Last year, Jay made his eighth appearance on The Harvest Show on the LeSea Broadcasting Network. He's also been a guest multple times on Focus on the Family and Chris Fabry Live.